After the Shoot

Posted In: Fashion | Modeling

After your photo shoot is just as important as beforehand. As soon as the last frame has been captured, your job isn’t done yet. In order to be an in-demand model the last few moments of your time at the set will be the most remembered for photographers and set directors. Look just as graceful off the camera as you say your goodbyes and collect your things as you do when you are getting your photo taken.

After the Last Photo:

When they say: “That’s a wrap!”, remember to smile and thank both the photographer and set designer. Do it immediately, before you change. Others on the set might need to dash off soon after the shoot is done and won’t wait around for you to take your makeup off. Tell the person(s) in charge you were grateful for the opportunity and it was a pleasure working with them. Fashion models looking to forward their career will get a lot of mileage out of a simple thank you.

With the Stylist:

A kit packed with makeup remover, skin cleanser and cotton balls or make up pads are a must for any photo shoot. Be patient as the makeup artist works to take off complex accessories to your face.
Don’t rip off your clothes! Take them off carefully and with respect. Many stylists will use the clothes again for other sets, so be careful with the garments you are wearing. Allow the stylist to help you out of your outfit.

When Everyone is Packing Up:

Hang around for a few minutes before jetting off to hang with friends. When the shoot is done, the set designers and photographers are more likely to be relaxed after the pressure of the shoot. This is your chance to hand out your card, talk and get to know people. This is networking. No need to be a pushy-salesman about yourself, as this is what your agency is for, but being congenial never hurt anyone.

Create a Checklist:

Look just as refined and elegant going out as you did coming in. Write a simple checklist to make sure you have everything you brought with you. When getting dressed, choose a simple outfit with fresh and uncomplicated makeup.  Make your exit final; say your goodbyes and leave. Don’t be the fashion model that has to run back in every few minutes because you forgot a much needed item in your kit.



Skin Like a Model
Model Etiquette
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